RTVE (Various Artists) ~ Vol.03: Del Llanto a la Protesta (1980) Los Flamencologos (1971) Jose Menese: Autoretrato (1982) & Cantes del Campo (1964) ~ DVD
Jose Menese with Juan Habichuela and Enrique de Melchor in 1980, performing Soleares, Seguiriyas, Peteneras and Garrotin. Menese then joins Diego Clavel and poet/mentor Francisco Moreno Galvan to prepare some cantes for performance (1971). Menese in concert at the United Nations performing a Solea with Enrique de Melchor and a Seguiriyas a Palo Seco. Finally a selection of rural styles of cante by several artists, notably Pepe de Algeciras, Jarrito, Juan Varea, and Bernardo de los Lobitos (1964).