Juan Peña "El Lebrijano" ~ Cuando Lebrijano Canta se Moja el Agua ~ CD
El Lebrijano's 35th recording is dedicated to the Colombian author and Nobel prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who once said that "when El Lebrijano sings, the water gets wet." Now, with nephews Pedro Maria Pena (guitar), and Dorantes (piano and programming), Lebrijano has set various texts from Garcia Marquez' stories to Flamenco rhythms. Good Flamenco, with especially interesting lyrics. La Candida Erendira, Un Dia de Estos, La Santa, Isabel Viendo Llover en Macondo, El Coronel no Tiene Quien le Escriba, El Rastro de tu Sangre en la Nieve, La Luz es Como el Agua, Buen Viaje Senor Presidente, and Espantos de Agosto.