Manuel Granados ~ Tratado Academico de la Guitarra Flamenca vol.4 ~ Music Book & CD
Following the same consistent format as the other volumes of this series, this fourth volume presents technical studies addressing Arpegios (covering all 6 strings), Flamenco Tremolo, Thumb and Alzapua studies, Picado exercises, Arpegio/Picado studies, and Chord studies.The repertoire section presents material for Rondeñas (in traditional altered tuning), Mineras, Farruca, Soleares por Medio (in A), and Serranas.The theory section continues with the application of traditional harmonic theory to Flamenco, discussing the formation and relationship of characteristic Flamenco modes, Sub-tonics, Transitory sub-tonics, Modulation, Transitory sub-dominants, Cadences, Reinforcement of chord function in Flamenco harmony, and using an E Pedal-tone in harmonic progressions.68 pages, with short tects in Spanish, English, and Japanese. All music is in notation and TAB.